The Stars Aligned Backing Track

All throughout September I worked alongside you guys while taking part in the Song in September Challenge. If you want to look back on the other weeks, or if you're just starting out (if you're reading this in the future!) week one we sparked ideas and chose our key and quality, trying to get our rhythm down.

In week 2 we focused on writing leads and playing over the changes. We made sure all our leads were written before week 3 where I showed you how to set up a session and start recording.

And week 4 was all about mixing the song and putting it up for sale on Bandcamp. If you have a PayPal account, it's super easy and free to set up an account and start selling music with these guys. I wrote a post a little while back about why you should.

Thankfully The Stars Aligned is getting donations for the Walk to End Breast Cancer throughout October. If you'd like to donate to the song head to this link. If you want to check out the backing track you can either play it from the player below, or add it on YouTube.

This track was an interesting one because it doesn't stay all in one key throughout the entire song. You can mix it up between G Minor, or G Pentatonic and Blues scales throughout most of the song, but occasionally I throw in an odd chord where it'll switch up to being in F#. You also might want to play modally over the song. I used G Dorian quite a bit over some of these sections.

If you have any questions about the song, let me know! You can always reach out on Twitter, Facebook, or by emailing me directly at

If you do end up writing some cool riffs over the song, put 'em up on Instagram or Facebook for us to check out, and tag Chasing Sound so I can share them with the rest of the world!