General Privacy Policy & Affiliate Disclosure

I do not share your information with any 3rd party.

I do use affiliate links, because this site is entirely supported by my audience. With those links, I may make a small comission, at no additional cost to you. (see more for affiliate info below)

I barely use any "in the background" tracking cookies. I do use Google's site verification, and Facebook's Pixel.

You do not have any right, interest or title in or to the posts, photos, podcasts, and any associated material on this website unless otherwise expressly indicated. If you want to use something on this site, please reach out to me at I'd be happy to talk with you.

Chasing Sound is a participant in a number of affiliate advertising programs. For instance, we participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

If you see a link to a website or product, it is likely that it is a affiliate link. Readers pay the same price that they would if they clicked on a regular link, but with an affiliate link, Chasing Sound gets a small commission for recommending the product/website/etc.

My policy is always to do right by my readers. This site is important to me, and your safety online is paramount to anything else. If you have any questions about what's on this site and your safety, please email me at

All written content is copyright Chasing Sound/Brian Sutich.

For the Six String Sunday Newsletter

I'm collecting your email address to sign you up for the Chasing Sound Newsletter.

I will never:

  1. Sell Your Email Address
  2. Use your information in any creepy way
  3. Spam you on purpose

I may:

  1. Use your email to periodically send promotional email about new products, special offers or other information which I think you may find interesting using the email address which you have provided.

  2. Send you great information for guitar players and more

If I ever decide to change my privacy policy in general or for emails, I will post those changes on this page.